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Selling Chocolate

Boundaries online business owners can set with clients for more sustainable + successful client containers

If you're an online business owner (coach, service provider, healer, guide, strategist, etc.), and you're... Consistently going over time in...

How I build trust with our community (knowing they’ve likely been “burnt” by past investments)

cultivate trust with your audience as an online business owner - wholeco media
About a year and a half ago, I began to really intentionally use my messaging and marketing to speak to...

Custom Proposals as a Done-For-You (DFY) Service Provider are (almost always) NOT in Service of Your Right Fit Clients.

custom packages DFY service provider - wholeco media
An effective done-for-you service is very rarely built entirely custom to each client. In fact, it's often when service providers...

The Value of a Coaching Package isn’t in the Number of Sessions

coaching packages wholeco media
An effective coaching package isn't built around the number of sessions, it's built around the transformational journey. And yet a...

Get to Know Your TRUE Ideal Client

TRUE Ideal Client (1)
How come you can do Ideal Client work and still feel unclear on your Ideal Client actually is and/or how...

Feel anxious about bringing clients into your work? Here’s what to do.

Confidently brign clients into your work (1)
Learning to build offers that reliably facilitate results is a journey. And it's one that all business owners—regardless of expertise,...

What You Can Learn from Scrolling on Social Media

What you can learn from scrolling on social media - WholeCo Media Blog (1)
Watch your own journey through other people's marketing, and you'll find some very interesting things that you can apply to...

An apology to my audience, community, and clients.

An apology to my audience, community, and clients. A blog post by Carly Jo Bell.
To my community and clients who worked with and learned from me when I was using money-as-the-intended-result/outcome/goal messaging (e.g. "your...

How to Create Value Content WITHOUT ‘Giving Everything Away’

Blog post: Create Value Content without "Giving Everything Away"
One of the jobs of your content is to give your audience an idea of what they can expect when...

My Undoing Began with an $80k Month (the TRUE journey of Sustainable Success)

Carly Jo Bell of WholeCo Media
Sustainable Success Mentor & Business Consultant Carly Jo Bell takes listeners on a personal journey of undoing and self-discovery, revealing...